This 1989 Japanese drama portrays the complex relationships of 8 Japanese living in New York City, and is excellent. It is available to stream on Fuji on Demand, but was never published in DVD format.
This 1989 Japanese drama portrays the complex relationships of 8 Japanese living in New York City, and is excellent. It is available to stream on Fuji on Demand, but was never published in DVD format.
This video gives a taste of episodes 4 and 5, and is set to the song Faded Town, performed by Sanada Hiroyuki
Thank you so much to all who made this drama possible with their hard work, it is much appreciated. Extra thanks to Sanada Hiroyuki, as it was looking for his work that led me to find and watch this enjoyable show. Gratitude.
Just great work — thank you so much 🌹😊
with apologies to the actor who got the part………
Hiroyuki Sanada should have the japanese master Jet Li fought at the end of Fearless