Home » Celebrity » Male Actor » 山口組元最高幹部が明かす昭和の大スター「高倉健」と三代目「山口組」の不都合な真実 #高倉健 #田岡一雄 #山口組

山口組元最高幹部が明かす昭和の大スター「高倉健」と三代目「山口組」の不都合な真実 #高倉健 #田岡一雄 #山口組



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楽曲提供者 株式会社 光サプライズ
楽曲提供者 Audiostock

山口組元最高幹部が明かす昭和の大スター「高倉健」と三代目「山口組」の不都合な真実 #高倉健 #田岡一雄 #山口組

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@GeeHarliquin1 July 25, 2024 - 11:47 am

Full English translation of the transcript (Translated by ChatGPT)

There is an actor who is indispensable when talking about Japanese cinema and puppet films.

Many legends surround the late actor, Ken Takakura.

Ken Takakura had an inextricable connection with Japan's largest criminal organization, the Yamaguchi-gumi.

Takakura, who passed away at the age of 83, was a national film star whose popularity has never waned.

Upon his death, even notable figures like Shigeo Nagashima expressed their condolences, which was widely accepted by the public.

However, there were also people who could not publicly express their grief for the national star.

Those were the residents of the underworld.

Among them was a central member of the Yamaguchi-gumi organization, who was an executive and later became an advisor until his retirement in 2012—Takao Oishi.

Oishi, who expanded from Ehime to Okayama, established his position through conflicts with local organizations and founded the Oishi-gumi under the Yamaguchi-gumi.

He was known as a martial leader who intimidated various organizations across western Japan and had broad connections in the business and entertainment industries.

Oishi, who passed away in 2017, maintained a bond with Takakura until his death in 2014.

Their friendship dates back to the year before the Tokyo Olympics when Takakura, not yet a star, unexpectedly visited Oishi’s new residence.

Takakura greeted Oishi, who was expanding into the entertainment business following in the footsteps of his boss, Taoka.

Oishi was captivated by Takakura’s open and unreserved demeanor, and the two quickly became close friends despite their two-year age difference.

Takakura frequently visited Oishi’s base in Okayama during film shoots and maintained a close relationship with him.

There were times when a hotel for Takakura’s stay during filming was arranged through Yamaguchi-gumi affiliates.

Once, after filming in Imabari, Ehime Prefecture, Takakura returned to his hotel room, where he screamed for help, asking to be let out because he couldn’t tolerate a woman arranged for him.

This incident showed Takakura's unwavering marital loyalty at the time.

Despite being a star, Takakura never put on airs, and he got along well with Oishi, who never acted like a typical boss.

Takakura even participated in stage greetings at movie theaters in Oishi’s local area.

On one occasion, Oishi requested Takakura to sing a song on stage, which Takakura, who hated singing in public, reluctantly did.

Takakura’s sincere personality was evident when he restarted the song after realizing he repeated the first verse.

When Takakura first appeared in a television commercial for Asahi Beer, Oishi played a significant role in negotiating his appearance.

As the president of Toei, Oishi often visited Oishi to request Takakura’s participation, which Takakura eventually accepted after much persuasion.

Afterward, Takakura donated part of his fee to help young members going to prison, showing his integrity and loyalty.

Takakura’s strict adherence to principles surprised even the top figures in the criminal world.

He was known for his warm relationships and often sent protective amulets to places he was connected with.

The entertainment industry had inseparable ties with the Yakuza during those times, and Takakura was no exception.

Many entertainers maintained relationships with gangsters for practical reasons, such as protection or support for their shows.

Takakura and Bunta Sugawara, who shared the struggles of their profession, often found themselves entangled with gangsters.

Once, at a hotel in Kobe, rival Yamaguchi-gumi executives fought over who would host Sugawara, putting him in a difficult position.

Sugawara narrowly escaped by claiming he had business with Taoka’s son.

Other actors also maintained connections with powerful gangsters during those times.

However, Takakura kept his distance from the Yakuza and maintained his integrity.

When Oishi’s eldest son died in an accident, Takakura made a solo trip from Tokyo to Oishi’s home in Okayama to offer his condolences.

He placed a pure gold folding screen at the family altar and prayed for the son, leaving quietly afterward.

Later, when asked why he didn’t inform Oishi, Takakura said he didn’t go to see Oishi but to deliver his feelings.

After the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, Takakura visited Oishi’s Tokyo home with a backpack full of emergency supplies to check on him.

The origins of Takakura and Yamaguchi-gumi’s relationship trace back to Taoka, the third-generation leader, and their mutual respect.

Yoshiko Taoka, Taoka’s daughter, recalled that her father met Takakura through their mutual acquaintance, Eri, during a time when Takakura wasn’t yet a star.

Taoka encouraged Toei’s president, Shigeru Okada, to promote Takakura, leading to his rise to fame.

Takakura often visited Taoka’s home in Kobe to learn the ways of the Yakuza, including how to wear traditional attire and handle a knife.

When Taoka was hospitalized, Takakura frequently visited him.

Indeed, Taoka played a significant role in Takakura’s career as an actor in Yakuza films.

Even after Taoka’s death, Takakura continued to honor him and their relationship.

During Taoka’s grand funeral, Takakura was absent, but he visited the family home alone later to pay his respects.

He regularly sent incense to Taoka’s altar, maintaining his sense of obligation and gratitude.

Takakura, who initially knew nothing about the Yakuza world, said he learned everything from Taoka.

He adhered to the values and conduct taught by Taoka, both as a man and an actor.

Takakura’s adherence to these principles earned him respect and a lasting legacy, both in the entertainment industry and beyond.

@ugshaft. July 25, 2024 - 2:29 pm


@yasashiakuma July 25, 2024 - 6:36 pm


@tsuyoshikouno July 26, 2024 - 6:51 am


@和也aka竹チャン July 27, 2024 - 1:14 pm


@りな里奈-y2w July 28, 2024 - 3:09 am


@りな里奈-y2w July 28, 2024 - 1:52 pm


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